CECS is excited to be investing in our growth as an organisation in support of our local community’s needs.
With our current facilities already at capacity, it is important that we have enough space to expand with the needs of both our services, and the community in mind.
Our plans will commence with Community Preschool leading the charge, followed by additional proposed phases of development over time, to eventually locate a number of our services in the one place, at our newly acquired site on Short St in Cowra.
We have named this special project “Mawang” which is the Wiradjuri word for All Together.
As our expansion efforts will be ongoing over several years, we are seeking the support of our families and the community in raising funds to help us cover associated costs.
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation here on our website, just click the 'Donate' button and choose your payment method and we will issue you with a receipt. CECS thanks you for your support.
Easter Fundraiser Success!
Thank all who supported our Easter fundraising efforts. We were delighted to see so many families and friends come out to enjoy the Easter egg hunt and have some breakfast and a coffee. Our 2023 and 2024 Easter Fun Days were both a huge success!

During June, we challenged families to READ-A-BOOK-A-DAY with their child/ren, helping to embed the importance of reading not only in the early years but throughout our lives. The funds raised throughout this challenge will go towards our expansion project.

Christmas in July Raffle
Thank you to all of the businesses that donated prizes for our raffle, and congratulations to all of our prize winners!